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Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Posted: Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Frances Gage, Associate Professor, Art and Design

Frances Gage, associate professor of art and design, published the following articles and book chapter:

Air, Wind, Sun, Spirit: The Cosmology of Guido Reni’s Aurora,” in “Who Can Read the Book of Nature? Early Modern Artists and Scientists in Dialogue,” special issue, Nuncius: Journal of the Material and Visual History of Science, E. Struhal, ed.; 32 (3): 658–682 (2017).

Human and Animal in the Renaissance Eye,” in “The Renaissance of Animals,” special issue, Renaissance Studies, S. Bowd and S. Cockram, eds.; 31 (2): 261–276 (2017).

“Chasing ‘Good Air’ and Viewing Beautiful Perspectives: Painting and Health Preservation in Seventeenth-Century Rome,” in Conserving Health in Early Modern Culture, S. Cavallo and T. Storey, eds.; Manchester: University of Manchester Press, 2017; 237–261.
