From the President
Posted: Thursday, November 9, 2017Budget Committee Support Group
I am pleased to advise the campus community that I have established a Budget Committee Support Group. The charge of this group is as follows:
- Review division budget proposals for alignment with the campus strategic plan, financial feasibility, and potential approaches to funding
- Review special fund budget plans for reasonableness and consistency with the overall campus budget
- Provide supporting information and analysis to the Budget Committee,* as requested, to assist in campus budget decision making
- Coordinate and lead campus presentations and obtain feedback on budget plans and opportunities for revenue generation and cost savings
- Evaluate and oversee implementation of enhancements to campus systems to support the budget management process
The members of the committee represent the major divisions of the institution:
Academic Affairs: Amitra Wall
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA): Cynthia Rodriguez
College Senate: Frederick Floss
College Senate: Ted Schmidt
Finance and Management: Robert Baumet
Institutional Advancement: William Benfanti
President’s Office: Bonita Durand
Law Enforcement Unions: Ryan Roetzer
Resources for Information, Technology, and Education (RITE): Maryruth Glogowski
Student Affairs: Daniel Vélez
United University Professions (UUP): Dean Reinhart
Ex Officio: Howard Reid, Chair of the College Senate
Ex Officio: Michael LeVine, Vice President for Finance and Management
Group Facilitator: Rebecca Schenk
Staff Support: Kelly D’Aloisio, Sarah Reid, Donna Scuto, and James Thor
The establishment of this support group will greatly enhance our collective ability as an institution to make sound decisions on how to effectivity allocate our available resources to best meet the needs of our students.
*The Budget Committee consists of the president, the provost, and the vice president for finance and management.