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Monday, September 23, 2024

Campus Community

Posted: Thursday, September 19, 2024

5K Fridays: Couch to 5K Walk/Run Series

The Student Care and Support Team, under the dean of students, invites you to join 5K Fridays, a beginner-friendly Couch to 5K Walk/Run Series designed to help students build resilience through fitness. This structured program supports participants in going from a sedentary lifestyle to completing a 5K, fostering both physical and mental well-being.

  • Boost cardiovascular health, increase energy, and improve overall fitness.
  • Build confidence with a gradual progression and expert guidance.
  • Connect with fellow students and staff, fostering a sense of community and support.
  • Enjoy fun group runs, motivational talks, and progress tracking.

The program starts Friday, October 4. We will meet during Bengal Pause (12:15–1:30 p.m.) in Campbell Student Union 402A.

We are seeking collaborators and partners to enhance this initiative. If you are interested in contributing to this wellness-focused program, please contact Juliet Meade, assistant director of student care and support, for more information.

Submitted by: Juliet L. Meade
Also appeared:
Friday, September 20, 2024
Monday, September 23, 2024