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Tuesday, April 4, 2023


From the President


Buffalo State Council Meeting: April 11

The next meeting of the Buffalo State Council will be held at 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 11, in Cleveland Hall 518.



From the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


Emergency Preparedness Activities

As I mentioned in my spring meeting with faculty and staff members, Academic Affairs will engage in emergency preparedness activities to ensure


From the Vice President for Finance and Management


POSTPONED: Bengal Business Forum - April 11

Because of unforeseen circumstances, the April 11 Bengal Business Forum must be moved to a later date. More information to follow. Thank you for


Announcement of Jaggaer E-procurement System, Naming Survey

Buffalo State has been working with SUNY System Administration and fellow SUNY campuses to electronically streamline the procure to pay process


Purchase Requisition Deadlines for the End of the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year

The 2022–2023 fiscal year for SUNY institutions closes Friday, June 30. For this reason, purchase requisitions for supplies, materials, services,


From the Interim Chief Diversity Officer


SUNY Sexual Violence Prevention Campus Climate Survey

As part of New York State's "Enough Is Enough"



In Memoriam: Edward N. Gollwitzer Sr.

The Buffalo State community is saddened by the death of Edward N. “Ed” Gollwitzer Sr., cleaner in Custodial Services (retired), who died March 30


Appointment: Associate Dean, School of Education

From the Dean of the School of Education
It is a pleasure to announce that Raquel Rezàra Schmidt, associate professor of


College Senate

Future Forward Forum, Survey

From the Chair of the Buffalo State Senate
Please consider participating in the final Future Forward Forum (faculty and staff


Today's Messages Submit an Item

Migration of Blackboard Learn Organizations

As the campus transitions from Blackboard Learn to Brightspace, many departments, offices, and


China Week April 3-7

The Center for China Studies is presenting its annual China Week 2023 this week, April 3–7, between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. in the Campbell


Political Science and Public Administration Guest Speaker: Hon. April Baskin, Chair, Erie County Legislature - April 5

Please join the Buffalo State Political Science and Public Administration Department for the next talk in its


English Education Alumni Speaker: April 6

Please join us for an upcoming English Education Alumni Speaker Series event as City Honors teacher William O'Neil-White, ’15, ’17, discusses how


Mexican Dance Troupe to Perform April 13

The Rochester-based dance troupe Alma de Mexico will present an evening of traditional dance on Thursday, April 13, at 7:30 p.m. in the Performing


Storm Water Management Program Annual Report Available for Comment

The Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) Office is accepting public comments on the draft Storm Water Management Program Annual Report. The


Deliberative Forums on Divisive Issues for Students

The Civic and Community Engagement Office encourages you and your students to join AASCU and the American Democracy Project


NYS Deferred Compensation Plan: Free Financial Webinars - April 5, 7

The New York State Deferred Compensation Plan (NYSDCP) will host the following free educational webinars for all employees who wish to attend. The


Tell Students: Panel Discussion - Beyond Roe: Reproductive Justice in Western New York - April 12

The women and gender studies interdisciplinary minor invites members of the campus community to attend a panel discussion on reproductive justice


Tell Students: Submit a Business Proposal for the Annual Kratus Award

Each spring, the Business Department grants a monetary award to two budding entrepreneurs as they graduate from college and embark on building


Campus Community

Earth Day, Arbor Day Events the Entire Month of April

The Campus Sustainability Committee extends an invitation to the Buffalo State University campus community to attend several


EAP Webinar: 'Create and Stick to a Budget!' - April 5

The campus community is invited to attend the New York State EAP webinar “Create and Stick to a Budget!” on Wednesday, April 5, from noon to 12:30


Faculty Author Book Signing: April 6

Please join us for a presentation and book signing featuring SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor Andrea Guiati on Thursday, April 6, at noon in
