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Friday, September 15, 2023

Today's Message

Posted: Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Bengal Success Portal: Fall 2023 Student Progress Survey

The Student Progress Survey will be deployed via the Bengal Success Portal twice during the semester. The first survey will be deployed during the first three weeks of the semester, starting Sunday, September 17, and closing Friday, October 6, at 11:00 p.m. The second survey will be deployed before midterms and ahead of the course withdrawal deadline, starting Monday, October 23, and closing Monday, October 30, at 11:00 p.m. Each survey will be accompanied by specific kudos, flags, and referrals that are relevant at that particular point in the semester. 

Raising kudos, flags, and referrals is the first step in alerting other campus members of the status of students, enabling professional staff members to follow up with students and close the loop of communication with faculty; however, before raising any flag, please make every attempt to communicate and resolve an issue with a student. If your attempt is unsuccessful, please proceed with raising flags in the Bengal Success Portal so the appropriate staff member can provide support.

It is expected that all faculty members (full time and adjunct) will raise kudos, flags, or referrals for each course survey, acknowledging where students stand in their respective courses so support staff can proactively reach out and respond to student needs and concerns. If no kudos, flags, or referrals are raised for your course(s), please simply open your course survey and click the submit button to mark your course survey(s) complete.

A video on how to complete the Student Progress Survey for courses is available online. Please email Bob Hudson, coordinator of advisement student systems and senior academic advisor, with questions about completing course surveys or raising kudos, flags, and referrals.

Thank you all for caring about the success of our students. It is essential that we continue to work collaboratively as a campus community, making every effort to increase students’ academic achievement, persistence, retention, and graduation rates.

Submitted by: Robert J. Hudson
Also appeared:
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Friday, September 15, 2023