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Monday, September 18, 2023

Today's Message

Posted: Thursday, September 14, 2023

Biology-GLC Seminar: 'Dynamic Hypoxia in the Central Basin of Lake Erie' - September 18

Please join the Biology Department and Great Lakes Center for the seminar “Dynamic Hypoxia in the Central Basin of Lake Erie,” led by Paris Collinsworth, on Monday, September 18, at 3:00 p.m. in Science and Mathematics Complex 151. Attendees are welcome to arrive at 2:30 p.m. to enjoy coffee and cookies before the seminar.

Seasonal hypoxia is a regularly occurring, natural phenomenon in the bottom waters of the central basin of Lake Erie; however, there is increasing evidence that the duration, extent, and severity of hypoxic conditions are influenced, at least in part, by warming lake waters and nutrient loading to Lake Erie. In order to fully account for such anthropogenic contributions, baseline estimates of the spatial extent and severity of hypoxia are required. Here, results are presented from multiple monitoring programs designed to provide a high-resolution estimate of the spatial extent of hypoxia in central Lake Erie. Preliminary analyses indicate that the hypoxic zone is very dynamic, particularly along nearshore areas where rapid intrusions of hypoxic water into coastal areas are common. The seminar concludes with a discussion about the implications of dynamic hypoxia for various ecosystem services provided by Lake Erie, including fisheries and water supply.

Submitted by: Angel J Davis
Also appeared:
Monday, September 18, 2023