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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Today's Message

Posted: Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Brightspace Implementation Survey Results

Results from the Brightspace Implementation Surveys deployed this semester for faculty and students have been reviewed by the Brightspace Stakeholders Task Group. There were 298 student responses and 137 faculty responses. At this point, each faculty member who requested a follow-up has been contacted by a staff member from Instructional Design and Distance Learning.

Among the results: 55 percent of students rated Brightspace 8 or higher (10-point scale) on being beneficial to their learning, with Assignments (64%), Announcements (61%), and Syllabus (60%) rated as the most beneficial features of their courses in Brightspace. On the question “What features in Brightspace do you wish were utilized more often by your instructors?” students rated Calendar (dues dates, academic calendar items, etc.) (48%), Grade Center (40%), and Organization of Content by Modules or Weeks (38%) highest.

Student comments on the survey included:

  • “I really like Brightspace, and I wish all professors would use it for classes.”
  • “Calendar integration and instructor utilization would also be VERY helpful. I believe this would help with deadlines and project/assignment planning.”
  • “Brightspace is a fantastic platform to upload assignments, get direct feedback, and have access to our grades in the same breath.”
  • “Some courses are a lot more structured and organized for this kind of system, and I typically do best/understand better with those courses.”

For more information on the survey results, please visit the Brightspace Student Implementation Survey Summary of Responses.

For help with Brightspace, including instructions on how to implement the features students found most helpful, please feel free to browse and click on topics in SUNY’s Comprehensive Brightspace Fundamentals Video Index, check out the Brightspace Tutorials YouTube channel, or contact the SUNY Online Support Services Help Desk. More Brightspace information and learning opportunities from SUNY and Buffalo State will be available throughout the year, so keep an eye on the Daily Bulletin for future announcements.

Submitted by: Todd R. Benzin
Also appeared:
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Thursday, May 30, 2024