Today's Message
Posted: Tuesday, January 30, 2024Butler Library Construction Update: Change to Construction Schedule
Butler Library has an opportunity to wrap up parts of the HVAC construction project early and to restore access to the Curriculum Materials Lab (CURRLAB) area by making some changes to the construction schedule.
Originally, the northwest quadrant would have been completed before the northeast quadrant started; however, by doing both quads at once, we can restore access to the CURRLAB area much sooner than originally planned. As most of the books and furniture in both areas have already been moved, this is a preferable outcome.
We have contacted frequent users to make them aware of this change. Starting this week, access to the northeast quadrant will be cut off. Library staff members will still have access to pull requested books on a regular schedule.
Project progress can be tracked on the library's HVAC construction project website.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Joe Riggie, head of information management.
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Thursday, February 1, 2024