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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Today's Message

Posted: Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Call for Proposals: Anne Frank Project's 14th Social Justice Festival

The Anne Frank Project is thrilled to host its 14th annual social justice festival, AFP 2022: Healing through Storiesin person on October 12, 13, and 14. We seek proposals from all disciplines, cultures, and communities reflecting on stories that have healed or will or can heal the personal, social, national, and global wounds caused by the pandemic. The sharing of unique skill sets, knowledge, and approaches to healing is an act of both social and personal justice. It was Anne Frank's wish to "repair the world." This year's festival is an opportunity for all of us to actively respond to that challenge. We need you and your healing stories now more than ever.

AFP invites presentations, workshops, art exhibits, and performances reflecting on this year's theme. In keeping with the kinesthetic and experiential pillars of the Anne Frank Project, we ask that all session proposals be crafted as one-third theory and two-thirds practice. Submit your proposal today.

if you have any questions or need any help with your proposal, please contact Jonise Hall, festival coordinator. Visit us at

Submitted by: Jonise L. Hall
Also appeared:
Thursday, April 14, 2022