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Thursday, January 19, 2023

From the Chair of the Buffalo State Council

Posted: Thursday, January 19, 2023

Faculty Representation on the Presidential Search Committee

From the Chair of the Buffalo State Council and the Chair of the Buffalo State Senate
As you may be aware, elections were held by each of the three academic schools in November to seat faculty members on the Presidential Search Committee. We would like to sincerely thank all those who participated in the nominations and voting. In presenting our nomination and election results to SUNY, we have been asked to revisit the process. The SUNY guidelines for presidential searches changed in 2016, and we must ensure that our process is in complete conformity with the most recent guidance; therefore, we have agreed to hold a new election using a process that is uniform across the schools, with the goal of electing six full-time faculty members—two from each academic school—who possess a diversity of thought and opinion, through a uniformly agreed-upon voting process. The presidential search staff will share the revised nomination and voting procedures directly with eligible faculty members in the near future.


Linda Dobmeier, ’71
Chair, Buffalo State Council

Kimberly Kline
Chair, Buffalo State Senate
