Curricular Items
Posted: Thursday, March 20, 2025Curricular Items
From the Chair of the Buffalo State Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the Buffalo State Senate Office, have been logged, and will be reviewed by the Curriculum Committee:
Program Revision:
B.A. Journalism
Minor in Design (Ceramics, Fibers, Metals/Jewelry, Wood/Furniture) [formerly Design (Ceramics, Fiber, Furniture, Jewelry)]
Course Revision:
BIO 699 Capstone Experience in Biology. Prerequisite: BIO 600, instructor permission. A culminating, “portfolio” experience of the M.A. Biology program for students pursuing the non-thesis option. Offered every semester.
DES 114 Workshop in Crafts. Hands-on creative studio experience in either ceramics, fibers, metals/jewelry, wood/furniture design, or sculpture. Non-art and design majors only. Offered every semester.
ENT 342 Advanced Circuit Analysis. Prerequisite: ENT 300 and ENT 332. Methods of DC electrical-circuit analysis, DC transient-circuit analysis, Laplace Transforms and applications to electrical circuits and sinusoidal (AC) steady state analysis, transfer functions and networks, frequency response and Bode plots, waveform analysis, and Fourier analysis. Offered every spring.
ENT 401 Stress Analysis. Prerequisite: ENT 300 or MAT 315, ENT 301. By the end of the course, students should be knowledgeable in techniques used to predict stress and strain caused by loads or other effects in structural members and machine elements, as well as in the use of analytical, numerical, and experimental methods to that end. Offered every spring.
ENT 445 Power Electronics. Prerequisite: ENT 332, ENT 341. Corequisite: ENT 342. The operation of modern, high-power electronic devices as applied to controls, electric machines, and power systems; power diodes, thyristors, BJTs, MOSFETs, and IGBTs as electronic switches; analysis of uncontrolled and controlled rectifiers, inverters, and DC-DC converters; perform laboratory experiments using electrical instrumentation and computer analysis tools. Offered every spring.
FAR 362 Nineteenth-Century Art in a Global World (formerly Nineteenth-Century Art). Prerequisite: CWP 102. Survey of nineteenth-century art in Europe and Americas within social, political, economic, and cultural contexts, including revolution, nationalism, colonialism, capitalism, and industrialization and their impact upon representations of class, race, and gender. Offered every other fall.
PSC 497 Capstone Internship. Prerequisite: PSC 203, 204, 399, junior or senior standing, and instructor permission. Applies skills and knowledge from PSC 203, 204, and 399 to either an intensive local internship or immersive program such as semester in the New York State legislature, SUNY Brockport’s Washington, D.C. internship program, or SUNY Global Engagement Program in New York City. Contact department chair for information and application forms. Offered every semester and summer.
Course Revision with General Education 2023 Designation:
MCL 100 Italian Cinema I. Masterpieces of Italian cinema 1940–1970s. Taught in English. Offered every fall.
MCL 200 Italian Cinema II. Exploration of masterpieces of Italian cinema from the 1990s to the present through the lens of the social and psychological implications of the industrial and post-industrial periods. Offered every spring.