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Thursday, November 16, 2023

Today's Message

Posted: Thursday, November 16, 2023

Great Lakes Center Fall 2023 Newsletter

The Great Lakes Center is pleased to release our fall 2023 newsletter (PDF, 2MB). This issue features our fieldwork Lake Ontario and the other Great Lakes, the invasive crayfish management at the Park School, and a GLES student spotlight. We also celebrate 10 years of the WNY PRISM Crew Assistance Program, the President's Award given to Dr. Karatayev, the graduation of one of our GLES students, welcoming our new researcher, and announcing the retirement of one of our researchers.

Each article is also posted separately in our news section:

Newsletter 23: Benthic Palooza in Lake Ontario

Newsletter 23: Another year collected

Newsletter 23: Invasive crayfish management finds first native species!

Newsletter 23: GLES student spotlight

Newsletter 23: Field Station Snapshots

Newsletter 23: Sampling Hamilton Harbor

Newsletter 23: Celebrating 10 years of the WNY PRISM Crew Assistance Program!

Newsletter 23: Our new Research Scientist

Newsletter 23: President's Award for Excellence in Research, Scholarship, and Creativity

Newsletter 23: Congratulations, Lara!

Newsletter 23: Happy Retirement!

If you'd like to be on the mailing list for future editions of the newsletter, please email the GLC.

Submitted by: Kit L. Hastings