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Thursday, May 18, 2023


Posted: Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Internal Search: Assistant Director, Student Leadership and Engagement

Internal applications are being accepted for the following position on campus. This is an internal job posting open to employees of Buffalo State University who are currently paid from any state-appropriated-funds payroll.

Title: Student Activities Assistant Director / Assistant Director
Department: Student Leadership and Engagement
Rank: SL-3
Negotiating Unit: UUP

Brief Job Description
The assistant director of student leadership and engagement is responsible for providing administrative and programmatic support to the director in the areas of new student orientation and transition programs. The assistant director will be responsible for the planning and implementation of New Student Orientation, Homecoming and Family Weekend, Camp 1871, Bengal Bound, and other large-scale campus-sponsored events that increase student engagement, transition, and retention.

To view the required qualifications and to apply, please view the posting on the Buffalo State Job Opportunities website.

This internal priority review date closes Thursday, May 18.

Submitted by: David W. Cox
Also appeared:
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Thursday, May 18, 2023