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Wednesday, June 30, 2021


Posted: Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Arjun Pathak, Assistant Professor, Physics

Arjun Pathak, assistant professor of physics, published the peer-reviewed scientific article “Extraordinarily Strong Magneto-Responsiveness in Phase-Separated LaFe2Si” in the journal Acta Materialia (vol. 215, 2021, 117083). The article reports the first discovery of the LaFe2Si compound that exhibits extraordinary responsive behavior and multifunctional properties useful for energy technologies, including refrigeration, actuation, and sensing. Dr. Pathak’s team at Buffalo State College is further investigating other novel physical properties of this family of materials. Acta Materialia is a high impact factor journal. Part of the work was supported by a Buffalo State College Faculty Incentive Award. Dr. Pathak is the first and corresponding author on this article.
