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Sunday, February 16, 2025


Curricular Items

Posted: Thursday, April 11, 2024

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the President
The following have been approved by the College Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review:

New Programs:
B.S. Business Administration/M.S. Business Management Combined Pathway
C.A.S. School District Business Leader

New Courses:
EXE 659 Adapting Curriculum and Instruction to Meet the Needs of Students with Disabilities
EXE 691 Applied Master’s Project in Special Education

New Course with General Education 2023 Designation:
AED 335 Inclusive Art Classrooms

Course Revisions:
BUS 320 Principles of Marketing
BUS 321 Digital Marketing and Strategy (formerly BUS 321 Marketing on the Internet)
BUS 365 Entrepreneurship
BUS 368 Sports Management and Marketing
BUS 420 International Marketing
BUS 460 Operations Management
CRJ 404 White-Collar and Corporate Crime
EXE 684 Practice-Based Research in Exceptional Education (formerly EXE 684 Graduate Seminar in Exceptional Education)

Course Revision with General Education 2023 Designation:
MUS 311 Survey of World Music Cultures (formerly MUS 208 Survey of World Music Cultures)


Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the Curriculum Committee for review:

Program Revision:
B.F.A. Interior Design

New Courses:
CIS 415 Multimedia and User Interface Design. Prerequisite: CIS 151. Exploration of the principles, processes, and tools for designing and developing digital multimedia for computer-based applications. Consideration and application of user interface design principles (including visual, gestalt, and layout design principles) plus processes, features, and special considerations for a variety of digital products, applications, and platforms. Offered occasionally.

CIS 480 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Prerequisite: CIS 251. Provides a comprehensive understanding of fundamental concepts, techniques, algorithms, and applications of artificial intelligence. Serves as a gateway to the AI domain. Topics range from the theoretical foundations to practical implementations, including search, regression, classification, deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics. Offered occasionally.

New Course with General Education 2023 Designation
EDU 103 Child and Adolescent Development and Education: An Introduction. Introduction to child and adolescent development. Broad overview of current educational trends in early childhood, childhood, and secondary education as they relate to child development. Course assists prospective teachers in choosing which age group of students they are interested in teaching. Offered occasionally.

Course Revisions:
CIS 375 Web Design and Programming I (formerly CIS 375 Programming for the Internet Environment I). Prerequisite: CIS 251. Examination of foundational web technologies, particularly HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Creation and implementation of structured web pages, style content, and interactive elements, preparing students for more advanced web development topics. Offered every semester.

CIS 473 IT Technical Support (formerly CIS 473 Enterprise Systems Design and Administration). Prerequisite: CIS 410. Various concepts, skills, and tools related to the needs of CIS professionals working in IT technical support, including computer components, assembly, and testing; motherboard components and functions; power supplies; data storage devices; expansion cards; network components, assembly, and testing; computer problems and troubleshooting; help desk skills and procedures. Offered occasionally.

CIS 475 Web Design and Programming II (formerly CIS 475 Programming for the Internet Environment II). Prerequisites: CIS 375 and CIS 411. Application of HTML5 and the latest technologies to create dynamic interactive web sites. Topics include creation of web pages using PHP to display dynamic content, file system I/O, creation of MySQL databases, populating the database using SQL statements via PHP, and displaying the database on a web page. Offered occasionally.

CIS 488 Internship. Prerequisites: CIS 251, CIS 370, junior or senior standing, minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, instructor permission, and CIS internship coordinator or department chair permission. Guided, supervised field experiences working as trainees on special projects or studies, and/or in a relevant aspect of information systems in functioning organizations. Offered every semester.

CRJ 307 Comparative Criminal Justice System. Prerequisites: CRJ 101, CRJ 201, CRJ 202, CRJ 204, and junior standing. Examination of major contemporary criminal justice systems and their operations under various cultural contexts. Focus on the social, legal, political, and ideological forces that have shaped these various systems, as well as methodological issues of comparative research. Offered occasionally.

Course Revision with General Education 2023 Designation:
ANT 377 Power and Inequity: Civilization in the Ancient World (formerly ANT 377 Ancient Civilization). Prerequisite: ANT 100. Examination of the nature of early civilizations; possible factors involved in both their rise and fall. Old World civilizations studied: Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, China, the Aegean Islands, and Europe (Greece and Italy). New World civilizations examined: Mesoamerica and the Andes region of South America. Similarities and differences considered. Offered fall semester (even years).

Course Reactivation:
HPR 201 Techniques and Theories of Coaching Specialty Sport. Prerequisite: HPR 126 or instructor permission. Basic underlying philosophies, techniques, and theories for planning, organizing, and managing specialty sport programs—e.g., hockey, lacrosse, volleyball—in educational settings. Intended for prospective coaches. Application of the principles and practices of coaching a specialty sport team. Active participation in practical coaching scenarios. Offered occasionally.
