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Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Posted: Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Venkateswara Yenugonda, Visiting Research Scholar; Daniel MacIsaac, Chair and Professor; and Arjun K. Pathak, Assistant Professor, Physics

Venkateswara Yenugonda, visiting research scholar at Buffalo State working under the supervision of Professor Daniel MacIsaac and Assistant Professor Arjun K. Pathak in the Physics Department, recently coauthored two published articles: “Perturbation-Tuned Triple Spiral Metamagnetism and Tricritical Point in Kagome Metal ErMn6Sn6,” in the journal Communications Materials (2024, 5:113); and “Magnetotransport and Electronic Structure of the Axion Insulator MnSb8⁢Te13” in Physical Review B (2024, 110:4).
