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Monday, August 12, 2024

Today's Message

Posted: Monday, July 29, 2024

OSCQR Q&A Sessions

To support faculty members engaged in the Course Design Review (OSCQR) process, Instructional Design and Distance Learning has scheduled virtual OSCQR Q&A sessions.

Each session is intended for faculty members who are engaged in the Course Design Review (OSCQR) process for a J-Term or spring 2025 course and have completed their self-review.

Each Q&A session will focus on one section of the OSCQR rubric. Please feel free to register and join us for these optional virtual sessions: 

For more information or to register for a virtual OSCQR Q&A session, please visit the Workshop Registration System

Submitted by: Brooke L. Winckelmann
Also appeared:
Monday, August 5, 2024
Monday, August 12, 2024