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Thursday, September 5, 2019


Posted: Thursday, September 5, 2019

Please Visit the College Senate Website for Information

From the Chair of the College Senate
The College Senate urges the campus community to regularly check the College Senate website for news and information pertaining to the Senate. The website is easy to navigate and is updated regularly. The site contains a wealth of information, including reports to the College Senate and meeting podcasts, which serve as the official audio record of each College Senate meeting. Senate meeting summaries are also posted after they are presented to the Senate.

The College Senate Curriculum Committee section contains important information about curricular matters, such as the curricular proposal submission process, curricular challenges, Intellectual Foundations narratives, and the KissFlow process. Information about the proposal process is also available in the Curriculum Handbook (PDF, 572 KB).

We strongly encourage all senators and others to read their e-mail messages from the Senate, as these may contain information not found in the Daily Bulletin.

If you need assistance with the Senate website or have questions, please contact Vincent Masci, assistant to the College Senate, 878-5139.
