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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

From the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Posted: Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Health, Nutrition, and Dietetics Department to Move to School of Professions

After consultation with the appropriate stakeholders, I am pleased to announce that effective June 1, the Health, Nutrition, and Dietetics (HND) Department will move to the School of the Professions. The department is currently housed in the School of Natural and Social Sciences.

The HND Department offers undergraduate programs in health and wellness, nutrition and dietetics, and dietetics education; minors in exercise science and coaching; a nutrition track in the multidisciplinary studies graduate program; and a 4+1 accelerated pathway with Adult Education. The change is part of the academic reorganization tied to the new School of Arts and Sciences, which also launches June 1. Shifting the department to the School of the Professions should provide additional opportunities for collaboration among the programs

The HND offices will remain in their current locations: Dietetics and Nutrition in Caudell Hall 334; and Health, Wellness, and Exercise Science in Houston Gym 202. Their campus phone numbers will remain (716) 878-5913 and (716) 878-6501, respectively.
