Today's Message
Posted: Wednesday, March 5, 2025Registrar's Office: Summer/Fall 2025 Registration Preparation
As we prepare for summer/fall 2025 registration, here are some important dates and reminders:
Banner PREVIEW for both semesters begins on Wednesday, March 5. This is the date students can view both schedules directly in Banner and Schedule Planner.
Registration begins on Wednesday, April 2. The first date of registration is considered priority, and students in the following approved groups are assigned this date: ACE Program, Athletes, EOP, USG, Honors, Graduate Student Leaders, Military, and Student Accessibility Services.
The summer 2025 master schedule has been viewable online since December 3, 2024.
The fall 2025 master schedule will be made viewable online starting on the Banner PREVIEW date of Wednesday, March 5.
Undergraduate timetickets and registration start dates are assigned based on total earned credit hours (this includes Buffalo State and transfer). Students should not count their current spring 2025 credits because those are considered "in progress" and not earned because the semester is not finished yet.
Graduate timetickets have been collapsed into one registration start date, the second day of registration.
The general web registration schedule has been posted online on both the summer 2025 and fall 2025 courses webpages. Students will be able to view their actual registration start date directly in Banner starting on Wednesday, March 5. Registration begins at 6:00 a.m. on the assigned registration start date and is then continuous.
Students can view their holds, if applicable, directly in Banner at any time. All students who have a hold that prevents registration are strongly encouraged to resolve that hold at least two (2) weeks prior to the start of registration.
Bookmark and reference the Registrar's Office Registration webpage for more detailed information.