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Wednesday, December 13, 2023


Posted: Monday, December 11, 2023

SEFA E-pledge Renew/Rollover Option Is Not Automatic

Dear generous donors to SEFA/United Way: You may have assumed that if you donated by payroll deduction last year, your donation will automatically “roll over” this year. But SEFA donations do not roll over automatically. You must indicate your wish to donate each year, even if you are making the same pledge as last year. Please visit the e-pledge system and begin by clicking “Forgot user ID or password” to continue or raise your pledge amount from last year. Other helpful links are listed below.

Thank you for your generosity each year. Let's continue to make this campaign a success. Remember, you must log into the electronic pledge system to make your pledge. Last year’s pledge will not automatically renew. Your pledge, no matter how small, makes a big difference in our community. The SEFA Campaign ends Thursday, December 14. Thank you.

Helpful SEFA links:

e-pledge system

e-pledge instruction video

e-pledge instructions doc (PDF, 500 KB)

Submitted by: Wendy Paterson
Also appeared:
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Wednesday, December 13, 2023