Today's Message
Posted: Friday, May 10, 2024Today: Buffalo State 3-Minute Capstone Contest, Graduate Student Research Fair
Please attend today’s GSA/Graduate Studies–sponsored ninth annual 3-Minute Capstone Contest that starts promptly at 5:00 p.m. in the Campbell Student Union Assembly Hall. The 13th annual Graduate Student Research Fair in the Social Hall begins immediately following the Captone Contest. These events celebrate the exciting research conducted by graduate students across a spectrum of disciplines.
During the Capstone Contest, students explain their research in three minutes or less in creative and entertaining ways appropriate to a non-specialist audience for cash prizes. The Research Fair provides a poster-session forum for graduate students to display and discuss their research with the campus and community. Winners of the Outstanding Master’s Thesis and Project Awards will be honored during the Research Fair. Please come to support and celebrate the accomplishments of our remarkable graduate students! The general public is welcome to attend.